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Coronavirus we will help you stay fit and healthy!

This is exceptionally different times and we hope all of our dance family are managing to stay fit, healthy and safe. The Dance Studio Reading is committed to help Berkshire battle through these difficult times. Please go to our Facebook feed to hear about our online encouragement to keep us all energised and positive during the lock down.

Lorraine is providing online content to practice at home and we are having regular online socials with our dancers.

We are lucky that the Reading Dance Studio is a new site and we are not being complacent. We are making changes at the studio so that as the restrictions are lifted we have an environment that is safe and ready for dancing in the 'new normal'.

This includes the conversion of an office in to another separate dance studio and managing social distancing so that lessons can go ahead safely. We are fortunate in having a well ventilated venue of 3500 square feet so we can make sure everyone can spread out. We can be flexible for dance couples who live together and adapt quickly to the new recommendations from the Government and bodies such as Sports England. We already have an outdoor seating area and will look at how our dancers move through the studios to minimise surface touching.

The Reading Dance Studio will be a great place to socialise, learn and keep health levels up in 2020 and beyond.


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